This page is for customers of the Halifax looking for a new mortgage deal.


Halifax, part of the Lloyds Banking Group, are the UK’s largest lender with 19% of the UK mortagge market.  That’s £310 Bn (Source UK Finance)


As a lender they have great technology that allows us to help their existing customers efficiently. We have always found them to be excellent at offering their existing customers competitive new deal products.


As brokers we find it dificult to fault them. Whether helping a first time buyer taking on their first mortgage, a self-employed carpenter or any one of their customers coming to the end of a mortgage deal. Rest assured, if you have a mortgage with the Halifax you are with a great reliable lender.


All we need to start the ball rolling is your Halifax account number. It will look like 12/12345678-9 We can then log on and check the computer valuation of your property (see our valuations page – click here) and see what new deal products the system is offering you. 


To start the process please click on the link below and complete our initial contact form. Thank you.


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