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This page is for customers of Nationwide looking for a new mortgage deal.

Nationwide are the UK’s second largest mortgage lender with approximately 12.5% of the overall UK mortgage market. (Source UK Finance)

They are a mutual building society owned 100% by their members. This means they are run for anyone who banks, saves or has a mortgage with them. Because they don’t have shareholders, in the same way that banks do, they are excellent in offering their existing customers competitive new deal products.

In the first instance we will need to log onto their system and check what new deal products they are offering you.

The second thing we need to check is your property valuation on their computer system (click here to see our valuations page). We need to make sure you are happy with this valuation as a wrong valuation can potentially affect the new deals offered.

To start the process please click on the link below and complete the initial contact form.

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